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1. For thousands of years, for the removal of Human Ailments, Drugs and
Chemicals, Pills, Potions, Pellets and Plasters have been utilized. What
limited success followed such use, may well be summed from the ever
increasing list of new Drugs and Chemicals. It attained such chaotic
proportions, that the sensible practitioners of the Healing Systems
awakened to the realization that Drugs and Chemicals at best are purely
hit-or-miss in their actions upon the Human Body; they Poison it.
2. No user of Drugs and Chemicals has been able to comprehend or explain
satisfactorily why one Drug or Chemical should act on a particular
person or organ in a particular way. The conscientious practitioner is
convinced that the potency in Drugs and Chemicals is too crude to act
with scientific accuracy on the Human Body. Therefore, he has been
frequently resorting to more active and higher Potencies of a Drugless
Character, like Sound, Heat, Light, Electricity, Magnetism and so on;
but, none of the Drugless Potencies was formulated into an exact science
which could singly supplant with success all Healing Systems.
3. My Science is based on unchangeable principles. Outside of purely
surgical cases of a constructive or reparative character, it was found
applicable to all Human Ailments.
4. This Science, as evolved by me after over 30 years of laborious
researches, has been in actual daily use since April 1920 and its
results have been fully corroborated along Chemical, Mathematical,
Physiological, Spectroscopical, Biological, Psychological, Clinical,
Chromical and Pathological lines. It is the logical result of my
researches in Light and Colour and it is to Light and Colour what Music
is to Sound Waves. It is but the matching of the Gamut of Colour Waves
to Rhythmical Light Oscillations possessing definite influence on the
human organism and arranged in accord and harmony with true physical and
metaphysical concepts.
DINSHAH April 26, 1956
1. The Sun is the source of all Life and Energy conveyed to the World by
Oscillatory Potentiality of a spiral character, composed of the Elements
essential to the chemical existence of the live Universe.
2. All growth is dependent on Solar Energy. Sunlight is a part of that
Energy converted to a specific purpose. From the Mineral to the Human
Kingdom all life is dependent on Sunlight. Light is as much human food
(a necessity for existence) as Solids, Liquids and Gases.
3. The Light evolved from Solar Energy is White. Its Emission Polarity
has Seven Main Divisions, which can be resolved from it. They are: Red,
Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. Every Chemical Element
exhibits a preponderance of One or more of these Colours under
Oscillatory Disintegration. The World has all the Elements that are
known in the Sun. The potency of an Element depends on the potency of
its Colour Waves. Foods (and Medicines) are composed of definite
Elements and act in strict conformity with such Colour Wave Potencies.
4. Our Visible Physical Vehicle (Body) is built of these Elements
(Colours). It contains about 9.1 percent Hydrogen, 13.4 per cent Carbon,
2.5 percent Nitrogen and 72 per cent Oxygen. About 1.2 percent more is
Calcium and 1.2 percent is Phosphorus. All the other Elements of the
World, existing in our Physical Body, comprise the balance of the final
0.6 percent. In the Science of the Visible Spectrum, Dinshah introduced
Five Colour Potencies to take care of even these, which include the
rarer Elements inappreciably present in our constitution.
5. The Spectral Chart Of Chemical Elements By Single Colour Polarity
Predominance (Figure 1) clearly explains the position in this Science,
where the Radiant Energy of each Chemical Element is found.
6. Health is maintained when these Elements (Colours) are
proportionately balanced. Any disturbance of this Element (Colour)
Poise, is liable to produce loss of Health.
Table of Spectral Affinity Colours
(a) Red is the Affinity of Blue
(b) Orange is the Affinity of Indigo>
(c) Yellow is the Affinity of Violet
(d) Lemon is the Affinity of Turquoise
(e) Purple is the Affinity of Scarlet
Green and Magenta are the Head and Sex Potencies, which are NOT AFFINITY
COLOURS, but, are DUAL POLARITIES of the same Oscillatory Frequency,
spirillating in opposite gyrations.
2. Due attention to this wonderful peculiarity will result in better
understanding in the use of the Projector.
1. Our Physical Body has certain Areas where the Radiant Energy from the
Colour Projector can be beneficially irradiated. The Area Chart (Figure
2) clearly marks these positions. In Spectro-Chrome, instructions are
given by the indicated Numbers only and no mention of any Organ is made.
Whatever Organ may be in the defined Area receives the Irradiation. The
users need not trouble about WHAT is inside the Human Body—their concern
should be what the Colour Projector will do and does to whatever may be
or is there. The Area Chart avoids all complications.
1. The Three Primary Keynotes of the Oscillatory Frequency of Colour
are: Red, Green and Violet, standardized by Dinshah according to his
Chromatic Scale.
2. The Three Secondary Colours are: Yellow, Blue and Magenta,
standardized by Dinshah according to his Chromatic Scale.
3. The Six Tertiary Colours are: Orange, Lemon, Turquoise, Indigo,
Purple and Scarlet; thus, the total of Twelve Colours is compassed by
Dinshah according to his Chromatic Scale.
4. Their production in Spectro-Chrome Science, is based on a special
Matching Process originated by Dinshah. The Colours supplied with each
Projector are matched in strict conformity with this original process,
which is based on precise Spectrum Analysis applied to the Higher Forces
of Nature operating within the Live Physical Body.
1. Colour Slides not matched in accordance with this process or the
current process given by the Dinshah Health Society are worthless for
proper results.
1. The Colour Projector has Five Colour Slides, each Slide being
selected not only for its own Oscillatory Frequency, but, also for the
pertinent Combination required to produce the Colours in conjunction
with its associate Slides.
2. In case of loss or destruction of a slide, contact the manufacturer
for a replacement set. As various sets are produced from different
colour gels available worldwide you must supply the serial number on the
slide set to get an exact match.
3. By judicious combination of the Five Slides (Red, Green, Violet,
Yellow and Blue), all the Twelve Colours used in Spectro-Chrome Science
can be produced. The Dinshah Combination System (Figure 3) should be
rigidly followed in producing the various Colours. Unless these
instructions be carried out implicitly, the remedial results may not
coincide with the wonderful efficacy attainable in the Practice of
4. In practice, produce the different Colours as follows with the Five
Colour Slides: (Please, do not expect the Colour Slides to conform to
the commonly accepted terms applied to the appearance of paints and
pigments, this Science is based on the reception by the Aura of the
Radiant Energy of the Colour Slides. The Colour Slide sets are peak
transmission filters and not monochrome.)
1. Always sleep with your Head to the North. 2. Sleep in a separate bed
or even a separate room, to avoid disturbance. 3. The above applies with
greater emphasis to Sufferers. 4. Not more than Two Colour Slides can be
used in Combination, at one time. 5. Do not irradiate with the White
Light. None drinks all the Drugs in the Pharmacopia in one dose. White
Light has all the Chemical Potencies and it is because the Analyzing
Apparatus inside one’s Body is out of order, that the Disorders appear.
Use only the Colour Potencies indicated.
1. Irradiating the Body with the Colour Projector, is termed “Tonation.”
2. Tonation may be “Systemic” or “Local”:
(a) Systemic Tonation means Irradiating the Body all over. It may
be Irradiated on all Front Areas, all Back Areas or Front and Back Areas
alternately, according to given instructions.
(b) Local Tonation means Irradiating the Body on certain Areas.
In Spectro-Chrome, the use of Names of Disorders is entirely abolished,
because, all Disorders have their cause in certain Chemical Unbalancing
and the student is taught to recognise and remedy it. Dinshah did not go
after the name, but the original cause to which the name may be
attached. All this is fully elucidated in the Spectro-Chrome Metry
Encyclopedia which may be profitably studied for complete understanding.
However, for your helpful guidance, the following Instructions are
specially prepared. All Medical Terms are eliminated because they bear
no value or meaning in Spectro-Chrome.
Dinshah’s Case Records indicated to him, that Spectro-Chrome, used
sensibly and judiciously, has inherent Potency to produce in the Live
Human Body all the Chemical and Physiological results that Drugs and
Chemicals (Medicine) can do and in many cases much more. Its precision
is remarkable and a study of this Booklet will amply repay you by giving
you clear comprehension of the working of Dinshah’s entire Tonation
System. Any scientific terms are given solely for comparative
information, being followed by elucidative definitions for general
1. The Colours from the Projector act upon the Physical Body, not by
Absorption or Penetration, but by a process of Reinforcement or
Interference on the Radio-Emanations of the Chemical Body, called the
Aura or the Auric Vehicle.
2. Dinshah frequently demonstrated the existence of this subtle
Emanation, by experimental proofs in the Class Room.
3. It is thus that efficacy is attained in Spectro-Chrome Science. Like
an empty pail taking just so much water and flowing over, the Colours
are received through the instrumentality of the Aura to just so much
extent, any excess overflowing into the Auric Vehicle and dissipating.
4. Furthermore, wrong Colours will NOT be utilised by the Areas so
irradiated. Were it not for such benign provisions of Nature, all
photographers working in Red Light would go wild. Their safety is the
Aura; as long as one is healthy, the Aura rejects the excess or unneeded
Colour; when the Aura is unbalanced by any Disorder, it becomes
susceptive to the Oscillatory Frequency of Colours of an opposite
character. When such Colour is irradiated, the Aura receives it for
SIMPLE WAY TO MEASURE RESPIRATION VARIANT BREATH PHENOMENON • SCIENCE OF SYMPATHOMETRY Based On Solar, Lunar And Terrestrial Radiant Gravitational Influence Computed And Standardized By Dinshah
Colour Therapy - A Brief History | |
Dinshah And Spectro-Chrome | |
Fundamentals | |
Definitions | |
Attuned Colour Waves | |
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Colours For Elements | |
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