

Taken from the book - Let There Be Light by Darius Dinshah


This book is a discourse on Spectro-Chrome technique but only a compendium on its theories. While some reasoning is given here, it is not practical to explain everything in detail. For a complete understanding of its genesis and principles, refer to the "SpectroChrome Metry Encyclopedia" and DVD presentation, "My Spectro-Chrome'.'



1. TONATION. Shining a Spectro-Chrome Color on a person's body, or a part of the body, is called a TONATION; you TONATE with a Color. A tonation is normally one Color on a given area (or areas) for one hour, at a Forecast time when possible. When you are instructed to tonate both front and back areas, e.g., #4-5-18, it means this: tonate areas #4 and 5 (front areas) at one tonation and area #18 (a back area) at another tonation (if two projectors are available for simultaneous use, see instructions in Chapter four, section H). When instructed to tonate two or more Colors, one Color is tonated for one hour and, at a later Forecast time, the next Color is tonated, and so on.


2-A. COLORS. The original Spectro-Chrome system used five matched glass slides (filters which were not monochromes) to produce 12 Colors. Dinshah used the phrase Attuned Colors to differentiate them from filters which appeared to be the same but were not necessarily correct Color shades for Spectro-Chrome use. Thefiveattuned slides were used in this manner:

Spectro-Chrome Color:
Slides used:
Red and Yellow
Yellow and Green
Green and Blue
Blue and Violet
Violet and Yellow
Red and Violet
Red and Blue


2-B. The required Colors also can be made by other means (see Chapter Three, Spectro-Chrome Color Production).

2-C. In an emergency, any means of approximating a Color can be used; that would be Color therapy but not necessarily Spectro-Chrome therapy. Spectro-Chrome Colors have certain constituents besides the obvious as explained in Chapter three.


3. AREA. The part of the body you are going to tonate is called an AREA. The areas are numbered from #1 through #22, and approximately contain the major organs as follows:

Area #: Organ or structure:

1 - Pituitary, pineal, brain (front)
2 - Neck
3 - Thyroid, parathyroids
4, 5 - Lungs, heart, thymus (directly below area #3), (female - mammaries)
6 - Spleen
7 - Liver (also area #8), gall bladder
8 - Stomach (also area 6), pancreas (front)
9 - Intestines (also area 10)
10 - Bladder, appendix, internal reproductive
11 - External reproductive
12 - Thighs
13 - Shins
14 - Arms
15 - Brain (back)
15 to 19 - Spine, spinal cord
16 - Nape of neck
17 - Lungs (back)
18 - Kidneys, adrenals, pancreas (back)
19 - Rectum, buttocks
20 - Back of thighs
21 - Calves
22 - Feet


4. SYSTEMIC {front or back). SYSTEMIC FRONT means to tonate all areas from #1 through #11 (unless directed to tonate the entire front of the body from the soles of (he feet, area #22, through area #1). SYSTEMIC BACK means to tonate all areas from #15 through #19 (unless directed to tonate the entire back of the body from the soles of the feet, area #22, through area #15); some practitioners routinely use this "full" tonation technique.

5. PROJECTOR. The filters can be used with almost any incandescent lamp (or Sunlight) as a Light source or projector; fluorescent tubes are not suitable for generating Spectro-Chrome Colors (see Chapter three, Color Production, and inside front cover).

6. INFRA-GREEN, ULTRA-GREEN. Red, Orange, Yellow, and Lemon are Colors which occur in the spectrum before Green, the center Color, so they are termed INFRAGREEN Colors, and tend lo be stimulating. Turquoise, Blue, Indigo, and Violet are Colors which are found in the spectrum after Green so they are termed ULTRA-GREEN Colors, and tend lo be depressants. Green, in the middle, is the physical equilibrating Color. Purple, Magenta, and Scarlet are not found in the spectrum so they are not included in either series. See the full-Color instructive diagram, page facing the inside front cover.

7-A. OPPOSITE. Each Spectro-Chrome Color has specific effects attributed to it (see Chapter six). The Color which has reverse attributes of another Color is called its OPPOSITE in this book. In Dinshah's writings the same meaning was given to the word "affinity" but we feel "opposite" gives a clearer understanding. Each line of the following list is to be read both ways, Red is the OPPOSITE of Blue so it follows that Blue generally will give the OPPOSITE effects of Red, and so on: 

Red - Blue
Orange - Indigo
Yellow - Violet
Lemon - Turquoise
Purple - Scarlet 


If a particular area is stimulated by Yellow then it would tend to be depressed by Violet; if an area is stimulated by Indigo then it would tend to be depressed by Orange and so on.

7-B. The remaining Colors, Green and Magenta, do not have opposite Colors. Green is the median Color of the spectrum and is therefore the Governing Color (physical, positive polarity). Magenta is the simultaneous use of both ends of the spectrum which endows it with the power of equilibration (emotional, negative polarity). Dinshah termed them dual aspects of the same frequency.

7-C. I.emon and Turquoise are OPPOSITE Colors in some respects, but due to their each containing Vz of the Governor Green they have a similarity in their ability to cause favorable changes in nutrition and tissue repair. Generally, Lemon is used in chronic cases, Turquoise for acute conditions.

8-A. AURA. The energy field surrounding and extending from the physical body, generated by the electro-chemical cellular activity of the body is called the AURA in the Spectro-Chrome system. The aura diminishes rapidly as the distance from the body increases so tonations must be on bare skin lo assure optimum results.

8-B. Color therapy acts by reinforcement or interference of the aura. Any illness, pain, infection, attack, shock, breakdown, or other untoward occurrence will result in a change in the (invisible) Color of the aura or aller its strength. If the change is a weakening of the aura in a particular area, tonate with the Color necessary to reinforce the aura of that area. On the other hand, if the change causes as excess of activity in an area with a resulting increase of auric energy, tonate with the opposite Color as illustrated in paragraph 7-A. Appropriate Colors for each area are listed in Chapter six, Tonations by Symptoms.

9-A. VARIANT BREATH FORECAST. In a manner similar to the tides of the seas, there are "tides" several times each day within the human body when the bodily forces are more receptive to the influence of Color therapy. This "tides" phenomenon is evidenced by the left and right nostrils breathing in a pattern of varying pressure and is predictable, hence the term VARIANT BREATH FORECAST. Since the Forecast is based on Sunrise, Sun* set, and New Moon date, it changes each year and with location.

9-B. Each Forecast time (starting time for a one-hour tonation) is calculated to be when a particular nostril is (or should be) near its minimum pressure. At the end of the one-hour tonation, the nostril which was at minimum pressure will (or should) be at or exceed the pressure of the other nostril. The point at which the nostrils are equal in pressure is called the "junction" and is the most important part of a tonation. The junction occurs well after the middle of a one-hour tonation so it is advisable, if a shortened tonation is unavoidable, to begin the tonation late rather than end it early.

9-C. A nostril breathes from a minimum pressure to a maximum and back again to minimum in two hours and 56 minutes; at the same time, the other nostril is going in reverse manner: maximum to minimum to maximum. Nostril pressures can be controlled and even reversed if necessary, but doing so without good reason can be harmful. The beginning of each Forecast time is two hours and 56 minutes from the beginning of the last Forecast time because a tonation time always starts when one nostril is at minimum pressure and the other at maximum. The factor for determining which nostril should be at minimum is the Lunar cycle: left nostril for the first 15 days after New Moon, right nostril for the balance of the cycle. This is probably more than you wanted to know but it may help to impress on you the importance of using the Forecast times for tonations when possible. Spectro-Chrome often works well even without this "little detail'1 but at least keep it in mind because you may encounter a condition where it may make the difference between success and failure.

9-D. Besides the preferred times for beginning tonations, the Forecast sheets list New Moon and Full Moon dates, and eclipse dates and times; they are provided because serious health conditions may require greater attention around those dates, and tonations should not be given during an eclipse. The Forecast is published annually by the Dinshah Health Society for its members (a membership application form is included at the end of this book).

10. ACUTE or CHRONIC. The terms ACUTE (or recent) and CHRONIC (or long standing) do not necessarily relate to the duration of the condition. Acute conditions often generate a rise in bodily temperature (fever) while chronic ailments tend to have little or no fever. The person's temperature is used as a guide whether the problem is to be considered acute or chronic. In general, acute cases use tonations of ultra-Green Colors, and chronic cases require infra-Green tonations.

11. The RATIO. The equation of heart rate divided by respiration rate (one inhalation/exhalation is one respiration count) gives the RATIO. For example, if the heart rate is 75 writh a respiration 15, the ratio is five (75 divided by 15 is five). Chapter five, Technique, has details on how to use the ratio.

12. ATTRIBUTE. The Spectro-Chrome system uses 12 Colors each of which has more than one specific tonation purpose. Each of these characteristics is termed an ATTRIBUTE. Chapter six catalogs 78 attributes, and how to use them without a differential diagnosis in many conditions.

13-A. COLOR SCHEDULES. Chapter seven of this book has 331 Color schedules listing tonations for over 400 health conditions but to use them properly Spectro-Chrome technique must be used. In this Chapter and the next four, there are 29 pages. Whether

these 29 pages, with other available material, are enough to teach you how to use this System effectively and with confidence is entirely up to you. Some have picked up this book, looked in the index for the Color schedule pertaining to their particular problem and proceeded. That is one way though it is certainly far from the best way. 18 chapter two: Speciro-Chrome Definitions

13-B. Humanity is heir to thousands of diagnosable disorders. Learning to treat them by orthodox methods takes many years of arduous effort. While these relatively few pages of course cannot leach surgery, emergency procedures and other highly teclinical matters, most people can leam how to use Spectro-Chrome successfully if a conscientious effort is made. It will be worthwhile to reread chapters two through six until well familiarized.

13-C. The Color schedules cover hundreds of the more common illnesses, and if you use ALL (he information available in this book, many unlisted conditions also can be tonated. The Color Schedules should be a part of the learning process rather than the sole use of this book. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to benefit from the potential inherent in Spectro-Chrome to work on conditions of which you may not even be aware.

14. NORMALATE. Dinshah avoided associating the word "cure" in relation to Spectro Chrome therapy. While his coined term 'normalate" has some of the meaning of cure, in a larger sense it means something quite different. People are built in approximately the same mold with a heart, lungs, skin, teeth, etc., but how your organs function as a whole can vary considerably compared to the medically accepted norm and still be satisfactory for you. Spectro-Chrome is not expected to change the genetic factors which play such an important part in good or poor health, but it can minimize the "side effects" some of those factors cause, thereby helping you to become what is normal for you: NORMALATE you.

15. You will be repaid many times over for your effort and diligence in learning to use
this System as it was designed, thereby becoming more responsible for your own health
care and able to do more about it. 























Colour Therapy - A Brief History
Dinshah And Spectro-Chrome
Attuned Colour Waves
Colour Attributes
Colours For Elements
Frequently Asked Questions
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